Relapse Prevention: Strategies to Avoid Triggers

relapse prevention

That way, you can explore new behaviors and thought patterns to help you stay clean. Look for a licensed mental health professional with specialized training and experience in exposure and response prevention therapy. In addition to credentials, it is important to find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable working.

Emergency Plan and Contacts

  • Another factor that may occur is the Problem of Immediate Gratification where the client settles for shorter positive outcomes and does not consider larger long term adverse consequences when they lapse.
  • This illustrates the issue of ambivalence experienced by many patients attempting to change an addictive behaviour.
  • For one, it bolsters self-respect, which usually comes under siege after a relapse but helps motivate and sustain recovery and the belief that one is worthy of good things.
  • You may be given free time to choose an activity, such as attending a fitness session if your rehab center has a gym.
  • You’ll have dinner, and perhaps end the day with another group session to reflect on your progress so far and how you feel about all you experienced throughout the day.

Setbacks can set up a vicious cycle, in which individuals see setbacks as confirming their negative view of themselves. Eventually, they stop focusing on the progress they have made and begin to see the road ahead as overwhelming [16]. Clinicians can distinguish mental relapse from occasional thoughts of using by monitoring a client’s behavior longitudinally.

Clinical Significance

relapse prevention

Eventually, a therapist may direct the client to engage in exposure and response prevention activities on their own. ERP will generally conclude with the therapist relapse prevention and patient making a plan to prevent relapses. Group therapy is linked with positive outcomes for addiction recovery because of the social support it offers.

relapse prevention

What Is a Relapse Prevention Plan?

Training and ongoing support for peer leaders of relapse prevention activity groups by mental health providers is crucial. Training covers group facilitation techniques, conflict resolution, and understanding addiction and recovery. Ongoing support includes regular check-ins, additional resources, and feedback sessions to help peer leaders refine their skills and stay effective in their roles. Educational workshops and skill-building sessions give you valuable opportunities to acquire new skills that support long-term sobriety and prevent relapse.

Support Systems

relapse prevention

Another possible outcome of a lapse is that the client may manage to abstain and thus continue to go forward in the path of positive change, “prolapse”4. Many researchers define relapse as a process rather than as a discrete event and thus attempt to characterize the factors contributing to relapse3. Conflicts can arise in all types of group settings, whether due to differing opinions or personal disagreements. It’s important for group facilitators to address conflicts promptly by encouraging open and respectful communication.

Taking quick action can ensure that relapse is a part of recovery, not a detour from it. The belief that addiction is a disease can make people feel hopeless about changing behavior and powerless to do so. Seeing addiction instead as a deeply ingrained and self-perpetuating habit that was learned and can be unlearned doesn’t mean it is easy to recover from addiction—but that it is possible, and people do it every day. It is in accord with the evidence that the longer a person goes without using, the weaker the desire to use becomes.

Overview of Different Types of Relapse Prevention Group Activities

relapse prevention

BetterHelp can connect you to an addiction and mental health counselor. Relapse can be an indication that treatment needs to be reinstated or adjusted. Sticking with treatment for the entire length of the program is important, too. Have someone on call for weak moments when you might slip back into your old habits. A good friend can talk you down and remind you of all the wonderful things in your life worth protecting by staying off drugs and alcohol. While ERP is considered a highly effective treatment for OCD, it is not the only option.

  • A good friend can talk you down and remind you of all the wonderful things in your life worth protecting by staying off drugs and alcohol.
  • Various forms of monitoring have been used to detect drug/alcohol use.

relapse prevention

Motivational Interviewing provides a means of facilitating the change process7. The group’s yoga sessions helped Lisa learn relaxation techniques that she could practice at home for stress reduction. These group activities for relapse prevention also fostered a sense of camaraderie with other members of the group, which helped Lisa build meaningful connections and reinforce her commitment to recovery.

Physical return to use


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